KPE390Y1: Directed Research

Under the guidance of a faculty member, accepted students participate in a research project related to the study of physical activity and health. The student and supervising faculty member collaborate on defining the research question, collecting and analyzing data, and interpreting the findings. At the end of the course, students submit an extensive research paper and present their research at the annual Bertha Rosenstadt National Undergraduate Research Conference. Students are also required to attend some classes/workshops to assist them with the research projects.

*Notes regarding KPE390Y1, KPE490Y1 and KPE495H1:
1. For permission to enrol a student must: a) Obtain course information and application forms from Registrar’s Office website. Application forms are available in the spring for the following academic year. b) Find a faculty advisor. c) Complete the pre-requisite form (may do so with faculty advisor if desired). d) Complete advisor-student agreement form together with faculty advisor. e) Submit both prerequisite and student-advisor agreement form together to Registrar’s Office for review and approval by course coordinator.

2. Nominal funding may be available to subsidize some costs of KPE390Y1/KPE490Y1/KPE495H1 projects. See the course information package for application guidelines. **Please note that each faculty member can accept only a limited number of students.

Prerequisite: KPE200H1, (KPE290H1/KPE391H1) or KPE291H1 Corequisite: the other of (KPE290H1/KPE391H1) or KPE291H1 a minimum B average in the area of interest, and an application process.
Behavioural (B)
In Person