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ODP302H1 - Fundamentals of Winter Camping

Through this optional project, the student will develop an appreciation of the winter environment through such pursuits as cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, etc. Special consideration will be given to heat and water loss, proper clothing, construction of winter shelters, survival methods, and improvisation of equipment. The winter experience will be three days in length, and will include an expedition and overnight stay at a carefully planned site. Fulfils third year requirement.

Prerequisite: ODP200H1
Mode of Delivery: In Person

PAO900H1 - Standard First Aid/Basic Rescuer (C)

Students are required to provide proof of certification in at least Standard First Aid and CPR level C during their program of study. Lower level certifications (Heartsaver, Emergency First Aid) will not be accepted. The certification must be presented to the Registrar’s Office, where a copy will be filed and this course then added with credit to a student’s transcripts. Many external agencies provide such training, such as the Red Cross, St. John Ambulance, or the Royal Life Saving Society. Other WSIB certified providers are accepted. This certification is also available through instruction offered by the Faculty’s co-curricular program. The fee for any course taken to achieve First Aid and CPR certification will be at the student’s own expense.

Mode of Delivery: In Person