Certificate in Physical Activity Instruction

The Certificate in Physical Activity Instruction (PAI) is designed for students who have interest in studying courses with a major focus on theories and practices of physical activity instruction. Students will gain hands-on experience in analyzing, designing and leading a variety of physical activity interventions with appreciation of its relevance for a variety of career paths, including: health sciences, fitness and recreation, education, research and coaching.

REQUIREMENTS: Students currently registered in KPE must successfully complete 1.5 FCE from the PAI pathway, of which at least 0.5 FCE must be from the general category and at least 0.5 FCE must be from the specific category. Students will take the remaining 0.5 FCE from either category. Additionally, students must achieve a minimum of 70% in each PAI course used to be deemed eligible for the certificate.

    (Students may take the remaining 0.5 FCE from either the general or specific categories listed below.)

Physical Activity Instruction - General Category: KPE333H1, KPE340H1, KPE342H1, KPE422H1, KPE427H1, KPE442H1

Physical Activity Instruction - Specific Category: KPE326H1, KPE329H1, KPE355Y1*, KPE380H1, KPE423H1, KPE434H1, KPE455Y1*, KPE461H, KPE476H1

Note: Students do not have to apply for this certificate but must request the certificate with the Office of the Registrar and Student Services Office. The Office of the Registrar and Student Services Office will confirm eligibility for the certificate upon graduation.


  1. Individual courses may only count towards one identified BKin certificate in addition to counting towards the BKin degree. 
  2. Students are limited to a maximum of three BKin certificates with their degree. 

Please contact the Office of the Registrar and Student Services Office for further information: undergrad.kpe@utoronto.ca.

NOTE *- KPE355Y1 and KPE455Y1 have varying topics and will only count towards the certificate if the focus of study/placement is specifically on physical activity instruction. 


General Physical Activity Instruction Courses

KPE333H1 - The Pedagogy of Playing Games

Historically educators have seen the playing of games as beneficial to the development of physical, psychological, emotional and social traits in children and adults. Recently the dropout rate of children playing organized games and the participation rate of adults playing organized sport has become a major cause for concern. This has brought into focus the traditional way that games and sport have been taught and coached. This course will enhance students’ knowledge and understanding of the concepts and methods of alternative games’ play approaches to teaching and coaching sports. Students will be introduced to the four main alternative games’ models of Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU), Play Practice, Game Sense and Developing Thinking Players. Each of these 4 models use game centred activities to stimulate and motivate learning. The twin goals of understanding and personal satisfaction are emphasized jointly throughout the course. Students will be engaged in both practical and theory sessions to learn creative, innovative and exciting ways to teach and coach. You will be able to design and implement learning activities that are enjoyable, challenging, inspiring and cognitively and physically demanding.

Prerequisite: KPE220H1, KPE260H1
Course Category: Behavioural (B), Applications
Mode of Delivery: In Person

KPE340H1 - Introduction to Physical Activity Pedagogy

This course introduces pedagogical and learning methodologies of working with children and youth in a physical activity setting. It explores concepts such as current levels of physical activity in children and youth; physical literacy and assessment practices; fitness considerations for children and youth and; current best practices for teaching physical activity. Physical activity models of instruction and organization will be explored including: Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) and Long-Term Development for Sport and Physical Activity (LTDSPA) as well as lesson planning and student engagement. The Ontario curriculum for physical education at the elementary and secondary levels will also be introduced. In tutorials, students will have an opportunity to experience and apply physical activity pedagogy theory in practice. Course content can be directly applied to improve physical activity instruction across a range of settings including camps, recreational physical activity programming, coaching and future health and physical education teaching.

Prerequisite: KPE220H1, KPE260H1
Course Category: Behavioural (B), Applications
Mode of Delivery: Hybrid

KPE342H1 - Theory of Coaching part I

This course will be an introduction to the theory and practice of coaching. Through lectures, practical coaching sessions and in class presentations, students will become familiarized with the fundamentals of coaching and gain an appreciation of the diversity and complexity of the coaching process from an Athlete Centred Coaching perspective. There will be considerable links with KPE333H1 The Pedagogy of Playing Games. Various knowledgeable coaches and experts will talk about their coaching experiences.

Students who successfully complete the course will gain their National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Introduction to Coaching Part A.

Prerequisite: KPE220H1, KPE260H1, KPE261H1, KPE263H1
Course Category: Behavioural (B), Applications
Mode of Delivery: In Person

KPE422H1 - Topics in Coaching

This course will introduce students to and deepen their understanding of, a variety of coaching styles, strategies and theories. Throughout the course students will be engaged in the analysis and deconstruction of successful coaching programs, in both individual and team sports. In determining the criteria of what constitutes successful coaching, the course will examine coaching at all levels and consider the obstacles and challenges in building successful coaching programs in today’s society.

Prerequisite: KPE200H1, KPE220H1
Course Category: Behavioural (B)
Mode of Delivery: In Person

KPE427H1 - Health and Physical Education in the Elementary Years

This course provides an overview of pedagogical concepts and learning methodologies specific to elementary-aged children in physical activity and health and physical education settings. It explores in-depth the pedagogy of physical activity for the development of physical literacy through topics such as developmental milestones and needs, movement domains and competencies, Daily Physical Activity (DPA) and assessment and evaluation strategies. The concept of health literacy is also explored and applied to the health education needs of elementary-aged children. Finally, the Ontario Elementary Health and Physical Education curriculum, and controversy surrounding it, is explored through the lens of physical and health literacy development. Understanding of course content will be enhanced through tutorials where students will have an opportunity to apply course concepts in practice. Course content can be directly applied to improve physical activity instruction across a range of settings including camps, recreational physical activity programming, coaching and future health and physical education teaching.

Prerequisite: KPE220H1, KPE260H1
Recommended Preparation: KPE340H1 is the recommended preparation for KPE427H1. Students who have not successfully completed KPE340H1 will be expected to work harder to do well in the course.
Course Category: Behavioural (B), Applications
Mode of Delivery: Hybrid

KPE442H1 - Theory of Coaching part II

This course builds upon students’ existing knowledge and understanding of coaching that were gained in KPE342H1, and will complete the foundational knowledge and skills expected from those who are actively, or planning to be involved in coaching, teaching or instruction. The NCCP Introduction to Competition Part B is embedded into the course and students will be able to gain this nationally recognized coaching award by meeting the certification requirements. Specific areas of coaching that will be studied and discussed in this course are: Coach communication, intervention and feedback; the power differential between athlete and coach which can lead to negative behaviour; how to create a Seasonal Training Plan; Coach self-reflection; Mental practices to aid athletes.

Prerequisite: KPE220H1, KPE260H1, KPE261H1, KPE263H1, KPE342H1
Course Category: Behavioural (B)
Mode of Delivery: In Person

Specific Physical Activity Instruction Courses

KPE326H1 - Aging, Health and Physical Activity

This course will examine the aging process using information from demography to physiology. Recognition of different perspectives of “successful aging” is a theme that runs throughout the course. The effects of physical activity and aging on functional capacity and how aging may change engagement in physical activity will be studied. The course will examine the evidence for physical activity in promoting healthy aging. Approaches to modifying physical activity in light of physiological, pathophysiological, psychological and sociological age-related changes will be discussed in lecture and through use of case studies. The course will emphasize communication about needs and goals for physical activity recommendations, assessments of function, safety precautions and exercise adaptations, including specific focus on common conditions (e.g., osteoporosis, osteoarthritis).

Prerequisite: KPE264H1
Course Category: Behavioural (B), Applications
Mode of Delivery: In Person

KPE329H1 - Developing Physical Literacy Foundations in the Early Years

This course is founded on the belief that if we give children the opportunity to engage in developmentally appropriate physical activities, at the appropriate time in their development, then more of them will develop foundational movement skills that will enable them to enjoy being active and to stay active throughout their lives. To this end, the building blocks for the development of physical literacy in children 0-5 years old will be examined in detail, with a focus on the preschool years. The pedagogy of physical activity experiences for this population will be explored through topics such as developmental milestones and needs, foundational movement patterns and motor skill development, teaching and learning approaches and lesson planning. Students will also have the opportunity to explore some Special Topics that are unique to the development of physical literacy foundations in the early years.

Note: Students enrolled in KPE329H1 will be required to obtain a valid Police Record Check if directly teaching preschool children. Students will receive an email confirming if a Police Record Check is required upon registration in this course.

Prerequisite: KPE160H1, KPE261H1
Course Category: Behavioural (B), Applications
Mode of Delivery: In Person

KPE355Y1 - Interpersonal Theory in Kinesiology and Physical Education

This course will provide students an opportunity to develop their knowledge and competencies in interpersonal theory in Kinesiology and Physical Education. Topics covered in this course include, verbal and non-verbal communication strategies, active listening with patients/clients, reflective practice, managing conflict, decision making, teamwork, and leadership. This course draws upon previous coursework and integrates theory and practice across course learning activities to apply the course content to the breadth of populations and settings within the field of Kinesiology and Physical Education. As a part of the course, students will participate in a field experience (100 hours) with a mentor observing and engaging in interpersonal relations and participating in the planning and implementation of programs as appropriate. Course evaluation activities include weekly class and tutorial sessions, written assignments, presentations, and examinations. Notes: Classroom/tutorial sessions are two hours per week in addition to field experience. Please refer to the 'Fees and Financial Requirements' section of the calendar for information on ancillary fees.

Prerequisite: You must have followed the appropriate pre-course procedures in the year preceding course enrolment, be entering 3rd year (or higher), and obtain instructor approval.
Exclusion: KPE350Y1
Course Category: Behavioural (B)
Mode of Delivery: In Person

KPE380H1 - Advanced Assessment and Exercise Program Design

Theoretical concepts specific to the assessment of mobility, physical literacy and fitness, and the design of personalized exercise programs will be explored. Through a combination of teaching styles, real-life case studies, small and large group activities, and hands-on experiences, students will be given an opportunity to identify and interpret the unique needs of healthy populations so that personalized exercise solutions can be created. An emphasis will also be placed on communication and students’ ability to think critically and problem-solve.

Prerequisite: KPE280H1/KPE282H1, KPE281H1/KPE282H1
Course Category: Behavioural (B), Applications
Mode of Delivery: In Person

KPE423H1 - Theory of Dance Performance

In this course students will define, research and explore essential elements of dance. These elements include dance technique, musicality, artistry, and choreography. Research and relevant experiences from other KPE courses will be integrated into the lectures and the embodied learning of the lab. Students will research staging, lighting and show production for their major project, which consists of the students choreographing and staging their own work for formal performance. This performance serves to illustrate the theoretical knowledge that the students have gained over the 12-week course.

Prerequisite: KPE280H1/KPE282H1, KPE281H1/KPE282H1
Course Category: Behavioural (B), Applications
Mode of Delivery: In Person

KPE455Y1 - Kinesiology and Physical Education in Society

This course builds upon KPE350Y1/KPE355Y1 to further students’ theoretical grounding in the broader practice of Kinesiology and Physical Education in society. Topics covered in this course include, but are not limited to, emotional intelligence in the workplace, integrity in community relations, performance adaptability, diversity, creativity, ethics and professionalism, and work-life balance. Adopting a values-based approach to learning and development students will be encouraged to consider strategies for enhancing the practice of Kinesiology and Physical Education within society. As a part of this course, students will spend 100 hours in the field and will work closely with a mentor. Course evaluation activities include weekly class and tutorial sessions, written assignments, presentations, and examinations.

Notes: Classroom/tutorial sessions are two hours per week in addition to field experience. For more information visit the professional placement page on our website.

Please refer to the 'Fees and Financial Requirements' section of the calendar for details on ancillary fees.

Prerequisite: KPE350Y1/KPE355Y1; As well, you must have followed the appropriate pre-course procedures in the year preceding course enrolment, be entering 3rd year (or higher), and obtain instructor approval.
Exclusion: KPE450Y1
Course Category: Behavioural (B)
Mode of Delivery: In Person

KPE461H1 - Speed and Power

Virtually every sport relies on the ability to generate speed and power in order to compete successfully. Understanding the biomechanical, physiological and technical basis of speed and power is vital to be able to design interventions to improve. In this course, the scientific basis of speed in humans will be examined using both a biomechanical and physiological perspective. The primary focus will be on speed and power in running, jumping and throwing and therefore, practical experience will be part of the course. Students will also be exposed to both the theory and practice of training for speed and power.

Corequisite: KPE370H1
Course Category: Biophysical (C), Applications
Mode of Delivery: In Person

KPE476H1 - Clinical Exercise Programming

This course will examine theories underpinning the development and delivery of exercise programs in clinical populations. Exposure to a variety of unique clinical populations (through video and case studies) will enable students to explore special considerations (e.g., functional abilities, needs, limitations and social barriers) specific to individuals seeking tailored movement recommendations. Using discovery-based methods (including case studies and group problem solving activities), students will learn how to gather and share relevant information with clients and use this information to inform selection of appropriate assessments and movement strategies as well as to gain an appreciation of the range of expected outcomes in response to exercise programming. Students will also examine the foundational elements of exercise program design and its practical implementation as it relates to professional kinesiology practice. Emphasis will be placed on communication, self-reflection, ethics and the ability to think critically and problem-solve within the learning experiences.

Course Category: Biophysical (C)
Mode of Delivery: In Person

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